Bloomington Cave

Bloomington Cave is a fault cave and is the fifth longest cave in Utah at 1.30 miles, and still has several unmapped passages and several thousand feet remain to be surveyed. Being so close to town, there is a high number of visitors, and this was definitely the most graffitied cave I have ever seen. The myriad of passages that overlap each other is a dangerous maze to the novice caver. No equipment is required but good common sense is.

There are three entrances to the cave, this is South entrance.

This is looking down from the first ledge inside the cave.

It is a steep slope, but manageable with a hand line.

This appears to be the party room.


Brett J said... 1 | September 27, 2010 at 12:54 PM

3 entrances?? The Kyle Voyles or Brandon K. map only lists two. Is this a 'secret' entrance?

Unknown said... 2 | November 30, 2012 at 7:35 AM

When I was there last year the graffiti had been mostly removed. It is looking much better.