This sign is posted just below the cave entrance to warn visitors to keep their distance to avoid disturbing the bats.
Logan Cave - 4,290 ft. long, 152 ft. deep
This sign is posted just below the cave entrance to warn visitors to keep their distance to avoid disturbing the bats.
- Logan Cave - 4,290 ft. long, 152 ft. deep
- Spencer Coles
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That cave is really cool inside. When I was younger with the scouts, we went into the cave in the winter because the water was low enough to wade through.
There is a crystal cavern that you have to climb a rope to get to, and it takes about 4 hours to get there.
Its ashame they have it closed. The bats are still there and people have been going in the cave for ever. I can't stand some laws. Especially the envri-nazi laws.
I explored Logan cave 3 times when I was at Utah State 1975-78. It was such a blast to do at night in the winter. While I'm sorry you can't go spelunking there anymore, I'm glad they are trying to protect the colonies of bats. It was an awesome experience!
This cave was awesome, and lended to the adventurous and squeemish alike. To the squeemish it was fairly open in the vertical sense and within it's depths one could lose their light beam searching for the ceiling. It meandered for quite a distance of level walking until the first challenge - that of a boulder to either crawl below (in ice-cold water - the depth varied by season) or to go over. Then there were the ropes - three different ones if I heard right. I was never brave enough to ascend the ropes, but still enjoyed the 3-4 times I went in. The first time I saw it riding back from Bear Lake with my sister. I made her stop and I followed a group of college kids in - I was equipped with just my sister's pen-light and after following the noisy bunch of youths for a ways the little light dimmed and I luckily made it back to the entrance before it went out. There were upper levels I noted that I saw boards crisscrossing a good way up and was also told of an entrance from atop the mountain into the cave. I'm glad I have those memories and was sad to approach the ominous bars that now cover the entrance. A harsh whip snap to the back of the neck with an oil dip-stick to the genius who tried to poison the bats, or the lunk-heads who started a campfire in the cave (I saw the ashes) and the scores of others who left trash. Off of the ole' soap box and let out a sigh.
We went spelunking a couple times in Logan cave back in 1973 or '74 while I was attending USU in Logan. It was an easy cave to get to, and to get through, once you convinced yourself to crawl through the shallow water on your belly under huge boulders. It was also a popular party destination for ROTC guys, and plenty of beer was consumed in that cave. I remember one brave soul who swam completely under water to get just one room farther into the cave. We were about 50% certain that we'd never see him again. (He made it back.)
Chopper Q (
Unfortunately not many people know the "real reason" that Logan Cave was fenced and locked off. The bat thing was only an excuse to do it! It was locked up shortly after a very close friend of mine fell to his death inside the cave. He only fell about ten feet or so, backwards, hitting his head on the way down. I hiked. walked, climbed the cave not too long before this event occurred, and guess what...there were NO BATS in the cave at the time!!! Imagine that.
I am trying to find a cave I explored back in 1994, Roughly 30-50 miles north of logan, It had a 30 foot rock face about 400 yard back from the entrance. Most ppl turned back from there but I met a group going further and we ended up going maby a mile or two. At the very back was a 3-ring binder and a wax pencil to sign that you made it. I was 13 and dont remember the name of the cave. If anyone might have an idea plz feel free to email me at it was a amazing expirence and now 18 years later I am still Splunking and doing cave and cavern scuba. I was hoping to come back and do it again. I was pretty sure it was logan cave till i saw the pics...but of course things have changed. The place I went had parking within 1000 ft of the enterence. Left my camera in the back by the log book. So I want to re-shoot the cave.
When the cave was closed there were a total of 13 bats. Now the population of bats inside the cave is between 175 to 250 and has increased every year. Logan Cave is the largest and one of the only known caves in Utah that is both a bat hibernacula and a maternity colony. It is also one of only a few caves/mines that support Townsend'd big-eared bats. Townsend's big-eared bats are very sensitive to disturbance during hibernation and when they are reproducing.
Whats sad is that we let a few bats get in the way of people who want to explore caves. Why can't they do a permit system where a person takes a class about cave safty and preservation then is allowed in. My feelings is that the Forest Service and BLM would rather close a cave than to deal with potential problems in the future due to parties and accidents. As much mumbo jumbo about how this cave is the only cave in the area that these bats live in I'm not buying it. Just come out and say it's just too much paperwork to leave it open. Now for all you environmental hippies out there don't jump down my throat, I don't want to see these bats go exctinct or their number drop but lets educate people, keep it locked and allow serious people in with permits.
I was in Logan cave a couple times. Man, that water was cold!
People complaining about the closure and "enviro-nazis" need to grow up, take some responsibility and recognize that if we had taken better care of it, it would still be open.
As the guy said about the one guy that swam under into another 'room', I have heard that there a couple, and the last one is like an artisian well coming up from the floor. I'v also heard there are a couple caves in the rock bluffs across from the parking lot, across the lake just inside the overhangs. No doubt there are yet to be discovered caves in those mountains.
I was fortunate enough to explore Logan Cave in the early 90's with a group of Boy Scouts. What I remember is that the cave had 3 levels and we waded through ice cold water up above our knees for a long time. We used ropes to climb from one level to the next up very steep slippery rock faces. At the top of one rock face we had to crawl through a VERY narrow hole to the next level. For a while the walls were only a few feet apart and stretched straight up out of reach of our lights. We went ALL the way to the end of the cave on the 3rd level to a small room and signed a book that was there. I crawled all the way back and put my face to the floor and could see a hint of light coming from the other side of the mountain but a person can not fit through there. It was one of the greatest experiences of my life. Except for the part where my flashlight died on the way out and my foot fell through a hole in the floor. I fell right on my ass and pulled my groin! Hurt for days :P I make this trek again in a heartbeat if I could!
I explored Logan Cave with some friends in 1984 when I was attending USU. We only went a few hundred feet inside. I wanted to go on but everyone else got tired of wading through the icy-cold water and vetoed that suggestion. I tried to find others interested in exploring further, but no luck. I had heard about the crystal room and wanted to see it.
While attending USU ('67-'72), exploring Logan Cave was one of many adventures I enjoyed taking with a group of my DSP fraternity brothers and friends. Our three and four hour treks into the cave (never saw any bats) are one of many lasting memories of my time spent in Cache Valley, along with Beaver Mt. skiing, tubing down Logan Canyon, and exploring all the mountain trails. They really ought to consider opening up the Cave, at least, to guided tours. This cave is, indeed, a rare find.
I wish it was still open. I love to go caving and am a new resident in Logan. Such a sad thing. Why don't they issue permits for caving? It could create revenue for the government, and it could create accountability for the individuals on the permit.
Stupid bats, wanted to take my kids there after I signed the book, but nooôoo, screw dumb bats lol, people should clean up after themselves
I decided to do Logan Cave by myself once, in winter and the middle of the night, when no one would go with me cause they were too tired.
This was back in the mid 1970s. I went in with a flashlight and quite a ways in came to a drop of 10 feet or so that I couldn't climb down. So I put my flashlight in my mouth, hung from my hands and dropped. (I know....dumbness on top of stupidity!) Anyhow, I twisted my ankle so badly that I passed out from the pain. woke up and thankfully found my light still working but couldn't stand, much less walk. I crawled over to the stream that flows through the cave and got into it knowing that it came out the entrance and hoping I could get there from where I was. And I did! I floated and crawled out to the entrance and crawled back to my truck. Was I ever lucky!!
I didn't quite break my leg, but the sprain was bad enough I had to have a gel cast on it and couldn't walk for a while.
I wish the cave was still open. I'd love to go back now better prepared and compare it to my memories. I really enjoyed all the other times I was in there, and even this disastrous time left me with some interesting memories.
I attended USU in the mid '70's and was an avid caver. In 1976 we took a team and spent 16 hours in the cave, mapping it in its entirety. A copy of the map was given to the local grotto. Logan cave needed to be protected and still does. The front of the cave was seeing a lot of damage even then, from partiers. I am thankful for its protection. The pool room at the very end of the cave was amazing!
Went there twice back in the early 80's with my brother and his friends who all went to USU. Took some time but eventually found the Crystal room - pretty cool to see.
Townsend's big eared bats (Corynorhinus townsendii) are not endangered, they are listed as "least concern" except for subspecies found only in the regions around the Ozarks and Virginia. The Townsends Big-Eared bats here in Utah are widespread and common.
Humans are every bit as much a part of this world and nature as any bat. we have just as much right to that cave as any bat.
I explored the cave 4 or 5 times while at USU in the late 80's. I went through with several different groups. As you started into the cave the water was so cold it was painful but you just knew that if you could take it for so long your legs would go numb and you could get through it. We would take headlamps. I loved it! You would climb up and over rocks or under them until you got to the wall where the rope was. It is just like someone described it. Climbing up using the rope. You had to crawl through or small hole when you got to the top OR I discovered on another trip.. my friend Mike had climbed on top of a boulder at the top and I had the option instead of the small hole to grab his hands while he pulled me up and over. Very scary dangling from the top. My memory had is that we were in there for 5 hours to get all the way to the back. There was the crystal room as well as the book in the back. I signed it several times but the last time I was there the book was gone. I always wondered who ended up with it and if they still had it. It was fun to read all of the different experiences and visitors and hear where everyone was from. On one trek through the cave every single persons light went out except one of us. That was a bit of a scare as we became very anxious to book it out of there which was not easy using just one light. Another time I was with some very brave guys who while looking at a pool of water realized that water was coming in from somewhere as it was swirling. There was another opening. They dove under and found another cave opening. One of them came back to get me and guided me under as well. Not something I would normally have done and I was grateful to get back to the area I was used to. Crazy. The last time I was there we were at the rope climb. My friend Julie had gone ahead of me. Suddenly we heard all this noise, no scream just the flashlight banging against the rock. Julie had fallen. She hit the ground and then went right over the side where there was a drop off. We got to her as soon as we could. She was bruised and banged up but was ok thankfully. That was the last time I was there. Yes there were bats in there but the ceiling was so high they never bothered us. I have great memories of that cave!
I explored the cave 4 or 5 times while at USU in the late 80's. I went through with several different groups. As you started into the cave the water was so cold it was painful but you just knew that if you could take it for so long your legs would go numb and you could get through it. We would take headlamps. I loved it! You would climb up and over rocks or under them until you got to the wall where the rope was. It is just like someone described it. Climbing up using the rope. You had to crawl through or small hole when you got to the top OR I discovered on another trip.. my friend Mike had climbed on top of a boulder at the top and I had the option instead of the small hole to grab his hands while he pulled me up and over. Very scary dangling from the top. My memory had is that we were in there for 5 hours to get all the way to the back. There was the crystal room as well as the book in the back. I signed it several times but the last time I was there the book was gone. I always wondered who ended up with it and if they still had it. It was fun to read all of the different experiences and visitors and hear where everyone was from. On one trek through the cave every single persons light went out except one of us. That was a bit of a scare as we became very anxious to book it out of there which was not easy using just one light. Another time I was with some very brave guys who while looking at a pool of water realized that water was coming in from somewhere as it was swirling. There was another opening. They dove under and found another cave opening. One of them came back to get me and guided me under as well. Not something I would normally have done and I was grateful to get back to the area I was used to. Crazy. The last time I was there we were at the rope climb. My friend Julie had gone ahead of me. Suddenly we heard all this noise, no scream just the flashlight banging against the rock. Julie had fallen. She hit the ground and then went right over the side where there was a drop off. We got to her as soon as we could. She was bruised and banged up but was ok thankfully. That was the last time I was there. Yes there were bats in there but the ceiling was so high they never bothered us. I have great memories of that cave!
does anyone know of a way to get in still?
Attending USU in 1959, I was invited to explore Logan Cave. This was very exciting to me as there were going to be only 6 of us: 4 men and 2 women. The first part of the cave was wide and we could look above to occasional openings to the upper cave where we could see the bats hanging on the ceiling. Yes, There were definitely bats in upper areas. There was room to walk beside the stream, which was about knee deep. The cave widened out to a large area with the water disappearing under an opening at the far end. I looked up and there was a small opening near the ceiling. The sheer drop below was about 20 feet. The entrance itself was large enough for one person and there was an Iron bar cemented vertically to the side. After pulling ourselves into the small cave opening, the next part of the upper cave had low ceilings with small stalactites hanging down that we had to dodge as we walked along. Next we walked into a small grotto covered in what looked like crystals all over the walls and ceilings. It was lit up by our flashlights and the reflections created a ballroom scene, sparkly, and festive. After there was a final room where the cave ended, and on a ledge at the far end was a tin can. We opened the lid and found a notebook and pencil. Two pages were filled with names, all males. My friend said that myself and the other girl were the first females to enter our names. We were thrilled with the idea that we had done what was considered at the time to be very daring and unladylike. Am now 85 and so glad that I was able to see the cave before it closed.
I was originally from Cache Valley and I went to the cave four times I think from 1965 to 1969. I found the crystal room (I think) by crawling up a vertical chute of maybe 15 to 20 feet with a quite narrow opening at the top and inside was crystals on the walls and this offshoot continued up a ways up a slope maybe 15 feet but was too narrow to traverse. On one trip we reached the end of the practical traverse of the cave and swam under the ledge to find another spherical room maybe 6 feet wide where I think the water originated from like an artesian well. Just before the terminal pools there was an opening on the right hand wall (going in) some 50 feet above the water. It had a flow stone lip so it was a source of water in the past. No way to get up there and the opening was probable 2X3 feet in size. On the way back there was a large rockfall we chose to traverse over the top (not the usual route) and on looking back (towards the back of the cave) there was a small ledge leading to another side cave. My friend shinnied along the ledge for 10-15 feet was able to go about 50-60 feet into the side cave and stood behind a large stalagmite or rock column (at least as wide as him) lit from behind by his light. It was his first cave trip and he was freaked out and would not go further. I think that passage may have connected to the high ceiling opening with flowstone. I would have loved to go back there but the cave is now closed. I have seen maps of the cave by the speleological society and there was no upper cave that far back on the map so it must have been unmapped. You could only see this upper ledge and cave by looking back as you left the cave from the very top of the rockfall (not the easy route) so most people would have missed it. I saw a few bats at different times mostly near the entrance. Too sad all around.
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