Polygamy Cave

Tony Grove is a beautiful area filled with pits and sinks galore. Polygamy is one of my favorites in the area with a large 200' vertical drop and several tight squeezes.

Tony Grove Lake
The walkable entrance. There is a skylight just to the left as well.

This is the first rap. It is only about 50'.

The bottom of the first rap has some thick growth. I can only imagine how long this took to form.

This is the entrance to the "First Wives Pit". After hitting a ledge 30' down it drops a good 175' into a huge room.

Looking down into first wives pit.

Looking up from the bottom.



mike said... 1 | November 13, 2010 at 6:51 PM

Great blog! Today I spend 5 hours (for the second time), trying to find Polygamy Cave. Wondering of you have any tips or pointers on how to find the place. My friend told me the general direction. He said it is located above the south side of the lake up above the cliffs and off to the right. yea this is a very veag description but with your pictures we thought we could find it no problem. Let me know if you can give me any better directions. Thanks.

Jon said... 2 | July 15, 2011 at 10:56 PM

Yes, I would also love some help finding this cave. I have also searched for some time trying to find it by my friends vague description, and no luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks