We have heard of, and believe to be true, the story of a cave in a hanging valley high above Provo called Cave Valley Cave. We have even seen a rough map of the cave drawn around 30 years ago. So this weekend we hiked to this valley and attempted to locate the cave. It was about 1600 vertical feet to the valley from our parking spot.

After about 2 hours of four of us scouring this valley it was apparent that no one had been there for a long time. We did not find the cave but we did find a few interesting things like an old shelter, an aluminum pot with plastic plates inside, rubber boots and a two old fire rings.

The valley was awesome!

After about 2 hours of four of us scouring this valley it was apparent that no one had been there for a long time. We did not find the cave but we did find a few interesting things like an old shelter, an aluminum pot with plastic plates inside, rubber boots and a two old fire rings.
On our way out of the valley we did find a few holes that looked promising but that were clogged with dirt and leaves. Could this be Cave Valley Cave after 30 years of debris?
An unexpected find on the edge of this valley was this bunch of Barrel Cactus.
The valley deserves another look. We will be back again to try and find this long lost cave.